What Are The Different Journey Profile Options in Oracle HCM Cloud

In Oracle HCM Cloud, journey-related profile options can be managed to customize and enhance the functionality of journeys to meet the specific requirements of an organization. Here are some key profile options that can be configured:

  1. ORA_HCM_ESIGN_URL: This option allows specifying the Provider URL for DocuSign, enabling integration with DocuSign for electronic signatures within journeys.
  2. ORA_PER_CHECKLIST_ACTION_PURGE_BEFORE_DAYS: Determines the number of days before which journey action occurrence records should be purged to maintain data cleanliness and manage storage.
  3. ORA_PER_CHECKLIST_ASYNC_IDLE_TIME_THREAD: Configures the idle time for threads during asynchronous web service journey allocation, optimizing performance and resource utilization.
  4. ORA_PER_CHECKLIST_ASYNC_MAX_THREADS: Sets the maximum number of threads allowed during asynchronous web service journey allocation, ensuring efficient processing without overloading the system.
  5. ORA_PER_CHECKLIST_DEFER_DOCUSIGN_CREATION: Allows deferring the creation of DocuSign documents during journey allocation, enabling better control over when documents are generated and signed.
  6. ORA_PER_CHECKLIST_DEFER_I9_CREATION: Enables deferral of I-9 document creation during journey allocation, which can be useful for managing compliance documents more effectively.
  7. ORA_PER_CHECKLIST_DISABLE_ALERTS: Disables alert notifications for journeys and tasks, providing a way to manage notification traffic and focus on essential communications.
  8. ORA_PER_CHECKLIST_MANUAL_ASYNC_ALLOCATION: Enables asynchronous allocation of journeys in responsive pages and REST services, enhancing the user experience by reducing wait times for journey allocation.
  9. ORA_PER_CHECKLIST_NOTIFY_HOME_EMAIL: When enabled, journey email notifications are sent to a pending worker’s home email address in addition to their user account email, ensuring that communications reach the intended recipient.
  10. ORA_PER_CHECKLIST_USE_OAUTH_IN_DOCUSIGN: Activates OAuth-based authentication for DocuSign integration, enhancing security and simplifying the authentication process for electronic signatures.
  11. ORA_PER_CHECKLIST_USE_ORACLE_DOCUSIGN_INTG_KEY: When enabled, uses a common integration key for DocuSign, streamlining the setup process for DocuSign integration.
  12. ORA_PER_CHECKLIST_USE_PRODUCTION_OAUTH_DOCUSIGN: Indicates whether the production OAuth Account should be used for DocuSign integration in production environments, ensuring that the correct environment is utilized for electronic signatures.
  13. ORA_PER_CHK_ADD_TASK_ENABLED: Enables additional properties for checklist tasks, providing more flexibility in configuring tasks within journeys.
  14. ORA_PER_CONTEXTUAL_JOURNEYS_ENABLED: Enables the user interface for contextual journeys, allowing for the configuration and use of journeys that are triggered by specific HR transactions or events.

These profile options allow administrators to tailor the journey experience in Oracle HCM Cloud, ensuring that journeys align with organizational policies, compliance requirements, and user needs. By configuring these options, organizations can optimize the performance, security, and effectiveness of journeys within their HCM processes.




